At the end of the 2016 academic year, Sant’Anselmo’s new prior, Father Mauritius Wilde, commissioned Sant’Anselmo’s photographer to take a photo of the departing residents. “We should make this a tradition,” he said, “so that in a few years, we will have a collection of these photos for the archives and for our former residents.” The photographer agreed, and since then, a group photo has been taken at the end of each Spring semester.


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Thomas Müller, Raban Heyer
  2. Bonifatius Von Twickel, Anselm Demattio, Fülöp Kisnemet
  3. Peter Mapenga, Jimin Jacob Sun, Manu Chacko, Kokila Fernando, Oscar McDermott
  4. Immanuel Lupardi, Prior Mauritius Wilde, Abbot Gregory Polan, Felix Davordzi


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Simon Kühbacher, Placidus Schinagl, John George
  2. Santiago Garcia-Mata, Ben Schröder, Graham Anderson, Matteo Poiani
  3. Jithin Valloor, Eric Koffi
  4. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Jordi Puigdevall, Arun George


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Christos Lampros Vattis, Ányos Mogyorósi, Columba McCann, Benedict Van Laak, Giuseppe Di Stefano
  2. Nibin Peedathattel, Prior Mauritius Wilde, Dominic Lee, Francesco Choi


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Christopf Abgottspon, Sylvain Nkoutou, Justin Osih, Mauritius Honegger
  2. Vice Prior Fernando Rivas, Panji Ren
  3. Jacob Auer, Anselmo Pham, Abbot Gregory Polan, Prior Mauritius Wilde


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Mathew Lambert, Gelit Onasseril, Gilbert Mbeku
  2. Charbel Hajj, Martin Joseph, Nomis Pathiyil
  3. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Pietro Zych, Lijith Vattakkattil


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Godwin Ukatu, Paul Tobbler, Alistar Findlay, Camillus Ndunguye
  2. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Abbot Gregory Polan


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Taneli Ala-Opas, Abbot Gregory Polan, Francesco Jeon
    Eduard Mazuski, Agostino So, Gabriel Soler
  2. Willibrord Driever, Giovanni Gargiulo, Denis Hooper
  3. Anthony Nguyen, Jose Mylamoottil, Giancarlo Mognetti , Prior Mauritius Wilde
  4. Nibin Peedathattel, Anthony Pullattukunel, Carmine Allegretti, Roland Patrick Bama

At the end of the 2016 academic year, Sant’Anselmo’s new prior, Father Mauritius Wilde, commissioned Sant’Anselmo’s photographer to take a photo of the departing residents. “We should make this a tradition,” he said, “so that in a few years, we will have a collection of these photos for the archives and for our former residents.” The photographer agreed, and since then, a group photo has been taken at the end of each Spring semester.


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Thomas Müller, Raban Heyer
  2. Bonifatius Von Twickel, Anselm Demattio, Fülöp Kisnemet
  3. Peter Mapenga, Jimin Jacob Sun, Manu Chacko, Kokila Fernando, Oscar McDermott
  4. Immanuel Lupardi, Prior Mauritius Wilde, Abbot Gregory Polan, Felix Davordzi


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Simon Kühbacher, Placidus Schinagl, John George
  2. Santiago Garcia-Mata, Ben Schröder, Graham Anderson, Matteo Poiani
  3. Jithin Valloor, Eric Koffi
  4. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Jordi Puigdevall, Arun George


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Christos Lampros Vattis, Ányos Mogyorósi, Columba McCann, Benedict Van Laak, Giuseppe Di Stefano
  2. Nibin Peedathattel, Prior Mauritius Wilde, Dominic Lee, Francesco Choi


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Christopf Abgottspon, Sylvain Nkoutou, Justin Osih, Mauritius Honegger
  2. Vice Prior Fernando Rivas, Panji Ren
  3. Jacob Auer, Anselmo Pham, Abbot Gregory Polan, Prior Mauritius Wilde


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Mathew Lambert, Gelit Onasseril, Gilbert Mbeku
  2. Charbel Hajj, Martin Joseph, Nomis Pathiyil
  3. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Pietro Zych, Lijith Vattakkattil


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Godwin Ukatu, Paul Tobbler, Alistar Findlay, Camillus Ndunguye
  2. Prior Mauritius Wilde, Abbot Gregory Polan


From left to right and top to bottom:

  1. Taneli Ala-Opas, P. Abbot Gregory Polan, Francesco Jeon
    Eduard Mazuski, Agostino So, Gabriel Soler
  2. Willibrord Driever, Giovanni Gargiulo, Denis Hooper
  3. Anthony Nguyen, Jose Mylamoottil, Giancarlo Mognetti , Prior Mauritius Wilde
  4. Nibin Peedathattel, Anthony Pullattukunel, Carmine Allegretti, Roland Patrick Bama