Workshop descriptions

1 – A : Fragile Communities

10 September | 15.15-16.45

Abad Lorenzo Maté Sadornil : Envejecimiento de las Comunidades

El envejecimiento de las personas es un proceso natural muy presente en la sociedad occidental. San Benito habla positivamente de los monjes ancianos, como personas maduras que pueden ser consejeros del abad y de la comunidad, y ejemplos de vida. El envejecimiento de las comunidades es un problema debe llevarnos a preguntarnos: 1º ¿Cómo, dónde cuidarles, ¿por monjes, o enfermeros seglares? (RB 36) 2º Sobre todo cuestionarnos ¿por qué nuestra vida no suscita jóvenes vocaciones?

Abt Michael Reepen : Zu viel auf immer weniger Schultern – Gemeinschaften im Stress

Unsere Gemeinschaften in Europa werden kleiner. So kommt immer mehr auf die Wenigen zu. Besonders den jungen Brüdern macht das Sorge. Wir können wir uns fokussieren, ohne das Wesentliche zu verlieren?

Abbé Président Geoffroy Kemlin : Le leadership dans les communautés vieillissantes

Nous tâcherons de dessiner les différents styles de leadership qui conviennent davantage à une communauté qui prend de l’âge. Nous essayerons également de dégager les éléments qui permettent à une communauté fragile de rester vivante dans la durée. Enfin, nous passerons en revue les étapes de la préparation à la fermeture du monastère.

Abbot President Maksymilian Nawara : Sharing best practices for struggling communities

The psychological process of the community’s reception of the information about the need to close the monastery. Accompanying a fragile community – the role of chapter and external supervision. The decision-making process and respect for the decisions taken by the community. Solidarity and cooperation among monasteries – support, re-foundation, creation of a new foundation.

Abbot President Jonathan R. Licari : Mutual support among monasteries/How can the Congregation help?

In this changing world where monasteries are facing financial challenges, and vocational challenges, is it possible for communities to mutually support each other as we look to the future. This is a change for how autonomous monasteries look to future growth and development. There is not a lot of research now about mutual support between communities. But it is an opportunity to open the conversation and to encourage discussion on how this might take place.

2 – B : Leadership

11 September | 17.15-18.45

Abad Presidente Benito Rodriguez : Cuidando la salud espiritual de un Abad, tomando por guía el evangelio

Oriento mi reflexión desde la pregunta del Señor: “Cuando el Hijo del hombre venga, ¿encontrará la fe sobre la tierra?” (Lc 18, 8). La misión de nuestros monasterios es cuidar y transmitir la luz de la fe que se nos ha confiado. Esto dependerá, en buena medida, de que el Abad, que hace las veces de Cristo en el Monasterio, conserve vivos en su corazón la fe, el deseo de Dios y su firme propósito de no anteponer nada al amor de Cristo (RB 4, 21). En esto consistirá, a mi entender, la buena salud espiritual de un Abad.

Abbot President Christopher Jamison : Ongoing formation for Abbots or Conventual Priors

The workshop will look at what formation is available for monastic and religious superiors, as well as what secular leadership training might be helpful. We will also describe how future formation might be offered. After a brief introduction, participants will be asked to share their insights.

Brother Peter Eghwrudjakpor : Maintaining spiritual, physical and mental health as Superior of a monastic community

This presentation will focus on the monastic life simply lived, without any extraordinary addition or subtraction, as a natural and on-going therapy for maintaining complete wellbeing of the person: physical, mental and spiritual wholeness. Hence, the monastic life can indeed be considered under the heading of alternative medicines. However, focus here is on the leader, the Superior.

Abbé Olivier-Marie Sarr : Comment conserver sa santé, physique et mentale en tant que supérieur d’une communauté monastique ?

Dans l’exercice ordinaire de sa charge, le supérieur monastique est appelé à gérer des situations qui peuvent générer beaucoup de stress, de fatigue et une certaine vulnérabilité. Saura-t-il écouter et pratiquer cette invitation de Jésus à ses disciples : « Venez à l’écart et reposez-vous en peu », Mc 6,31 ? Au cours de cet atelier, nous allons tenter de nous interroger sur l’importance et les bienfaits du bien-être global du supérieur monastique en tâchant d’en identifier les menaces et en fournissant quelques outils pratiques pour améliorer son équilibre de vie et sa santé physique et mentale.

Abbot Primate Gregory Polan : Being a pastor for broken monks

What is most important about this workshop is the realization that the work of healing and helping monks is initiated long before the time of crisis. What is important is the process of becoming a spiritual father to the members of the community.

3 – C : Benedictine Values in Today’s World

12 September | 15.15-16.45

Father Lluc Torcal : Preservar la creación en nuestros monasterios

La gestión de los recursos naturales en un monasterio de tradición benedictina, y en general, tiene como principio básico pensar en las generaciones presentes y futuras, es decir, vivir esta relación desde la perspectiva de la caridad evangélica para con los hermanos que están y que vendrán. En pocas palabras, gestionar es amar al hermano. Además, la gestión respetuosa de las tierras, huertos y bosques del monasterio, generalmente configura un espacio a su alrededor de gran belleza y armonía. Estos entornos, resultado de la gestión de los monjes, siempre resultan una invitación a acercarnos a la belleza increada, una invitación a la contemplación.

La dimensión contemplativa de la naturaleza, a su vez, está también presente en la vida de los cenobios benedictinos y no son necesarias demasiadas palabras para darse cuenta de que, con esta dimensión, se activa la caridad para con Dios, porque cada vez que desplegamos nuestro corazón contemplando la obra de la creación, lo que hacemos es amar a Dios por encima de todas las cosas.

Si el amor a Dios y al prójimo son el corazón del Evangelio, ambos componentes de la relación con la naturaleza en la vida monástica, son sus correspondientes expresiones: el gestionar y el contemplar. Mejor aún, ya que la medida del amor a Dios es el amor al hermano sin medida, debemos gestionar contemplando.

Abbé Jean-Charles Nault : Monastère et écologie

On a noté les nombreuses résonnances entre l’écologie et l’art de vivre monastique. Cependant, les liens entre le monastère et l’écologie ne se situent pas d’abord au niveau des pratiques « bio » (même s’ils peuvent les inclure), mais au niveau des quatre grandes relations essentielles de la vie monastique : relation à Dieu, relation aux autres, relation à la nature, relation à soi-même. Comment entreprendre, dans nos monastères, cette conversion écologique permanente à laquelle ne cesse de nous appeler le Saint-Père ?

Father Mauritius Wilde : How to create a sense of community in an individualistic world

The Rule of St. Benedict dedicates much attention to each individual monk and calls on the abbot to do the same. However, today’s societies favor individualism in a way that makes it increasingly difficult to live and grow as a community. What can we do – in very practical terms – to foster a sense of community?

Abate Luca Fallica : Come creare una cultura di lettura nelle nostre comunità

Nel II Libro dei Dialoghi, al capitolo 31, san Gregorio Magno narra che Benedetto libera un contadino angariato dal goto Zalla con un solo sguardo, alzando gli occhi dal libro che stava leggendo. La lettura è esperienza libera e liberante. Non è solo atto individuale, può diventare esperienza comunitaria, sia nel senso che la lettura va formata e sostenuta dalla vita fraterna, sia nel senso che può diventare esperienza condivisa, creando dialogo, confronto, reciproco arricchimento. Non possiamo però ignorare che oggi la lettura è in crisi, si legge sempre meno, forse anche nei nostri monasteri. In una stagione storica in cui prevalgono le immagini, i social, le fake news, cosa significa leggere? Come leggere? Quali difficoltà, resistenze vanno riconosciute e affrontate? Che rapporto c’è tra lettura ad ampio raggio e lectio divina? Come la comunità educa alla lettura e d’altra parte in che modo la lettura personale può contribuire alla maturazione del cammino comunitario?

Abbot President Antony Puthenpurackal : Multicultural communities

  • Multiculturalism, a fact: a historical perspective
  • Advantages of multiculturalism: expression of the universalism of the gospel
  • Challenges/threats posed by multiculturalism: cultural pride, difficulties in integration
  • How to make the best out of multiculturalism in the monastic world: stress on the positives, the unity of the humankind, in the world present and the eschatological too

4 – D : Formation

16 September | 17.15-18.45

Abbé Jean-Michel Grimaud : Encourager et chérir les vocations ?

Au titre retenu pour cet atelier, le point d’interrogation est important qui se veut un écho à la toute première recommandation de la Règle en matière de vocation : « On n’accordera pas facilement l’entrée du monastère à celui qui vient s’y engager dans la vie religieuse » (RB 58, 1). Dans le contexte d’une Eglise attentive aux dérives, on regardera comment soutenir les vocations ne signifie pas chercher à recruter mais discerner et accompagner.

Erzabt Korbinian Birnbacher : Berufungen fördern und pflegen

Benedikt skizziert den Mönch als einen Suchenden. Berufungen sind – so zumindest die Erfahrungen in Europa und den USA – zwar da, werden aber oft nicht erkannt. Die Benediktsregel bietet Hilfen, wie wir Berufungen zum monastischen Leben erkennen, fördern und pflegen können.

Father Bernhard Eckerstorfer : Postulancy, novitiate and formation until solemn vows

What is important for the procedure of accepting candidates? What are the most common mistakes made in postulancy and the novitiate? And how can formation in the first years be set up in the best way? This Workshop will offer a coherent concept for initial formation and collect best practices from the experiences of the participants.

Abbot Philip Anderson : Fostering Solid Benedictine Vocations (Saving Postulant Ryan)

The Benedictine vocation is a matter of faith, a mysterious reality that eludes mere human analyses (whether psychological, sociological or statistical). Over the past twenty years certain hopeful trends have emerged in this domain among the young (as I have witnessed in Europe and America) that must be acknowledged, if we are to foster solid vocations. I propose to discuss a few of these, which might then stimulate interesting conversations among participants.

Father Fernando Rivas : Teología y Formación Monástica

Como ha señalado Jean Leclercq: desde que nacen los estudios universitarios de Teología, se abandona el modo característico que se asumió en la vida de los monasterios, donde se la recibía y se la enseñaba junto a un modo de vivir. De este modo se desarrolla un discurso paralelo: la teología, por un lado, y la vida monástica por otro. El conocimiento Teológico no dice nada respecto al modo propio en que se vive la fe en el monasterio. Trataremos de señalar esas rupturas y mostrar el modo característico en que se presenta la Teología en la vida de un monje/monja para que no viva una ruptura entre “observancias” y saber sobre Dios.

5 – E : Canon Law

17 September | 15.15-16.45

Abate Giordano Rota : Sinodalità nel governo dell’Abate: voto collegiale, deliberativo e consultivo

Partendo dal Cap. III della Regola di San Benedetto si affronta la tematica del discernimento, scopo finale di un’azione sinodale. I metodi emersi nella storia della Chiesa e del monachesimo oscillano tra un’azione collegiale in cui l’abate agisce come primus inter pares, e un’azione personale in cui l’abate per compiere l’atto giuridico ha necessità di raccogliere il consenso o il consiglio del capitolo o del consiglio proprio. Analisi e conclusioni.

Abbot President Franziskus Berzdorf : Anwendung von Cor Orans

Erfahrungen mit der Instruktion „Cor orans“ vom 1.4.2018: Welche Hilfen bietet Cor orans für kleine Klöster? Welche Hindernisse kommen neu hinzu? Positive Erfahrungen der Frauenklöster mit Cor orans – was könn(t)en Männerklöster davon übernehmen? Welche negativen Erfahrungen gab es und wie gehen wir damit um?

Abbot President Jeremias Schröder : Brothers as Superiors: Implementation of the papal rescript

In this workshop we will discuss the consequences arising from the rescript of Pope Francis of 18 May 2022 which opened the door for having brothers as abbots: how has this been incorporated into the legislation or practice of our Congregations, what are the experiences with the approval process at the dicastery, what needs to be considered when blessing a brother abbot? What symbols of authority shall he use?

Depending on what emerges, the workshop may end up making recommendations to the Congresso.

Father Laurentius Eschlboeck : Changes in Canon Law: Procedures of dismissal (Q&A)

The prescriptions of canon law concerning the dismissal of religious have been changed several times in the last years. The workshop aims to give an overview of the various forms of dismissal (ipso iure, obligatoria, facultativa) and to explain the most recent changes.

6 – F : Selected Topics for the Confederation

17 September | 17.15-18.45

Abbot Marion Nguyen : Circles around our communities: how to integrate oblates, guests, coworkers, volunteers

Between the chapters on the oratory of the monastery (RB 52) and letters or gifts for monks (RB 54), Benedict gives his counsel for the reception of guests (RB 54). In many monasteries, the guests come in groups: groups of oblates, organized retreatants, friends of monks, and current and future collaborators. What are the opportunities, challenges, and tensions of this modern form of hospitality? How does the Christian, monastic, and experiential wisdom guide us?

Don Giuseppe Forlai : L’abuso spirituale

“Il workshop si propone di esplorare i presupposti psichici e spirituali che possono dar luogo in foro interno alla manipolazione e all’abuso spirituale vero e proprio. Inoltre si cercherà di mettere a fuoco le modalità preventive di tali atteggiamenti sia in chi offre aiuto spirituale sia in chi lo riceve. Il tutto cercando di tener presente l’aiuto che ci viene dalla sapienza evangelica e dalla tradizione monastica”

Abbot Christian Temu : Role of Monastic Communities in African Social Development – Focus on Missionary Benedictine Mission in Tanzania

When someone enters a monastery he is expected to be seeking God. Well, this God is not sought for the sake of seeking. He is sought in order to be known, to be loved and hence to be served. Loving or serving God, however, is only possible if we focus on our brothers and sisters around our monasteries. No wonder Benedictine missions in Tanzania have been indispensable agents of Social Development.

Father Hans Zollner, SJ : La Chiesa come spazio sicuro. Sfide per comunità religiose

La Chiesa è il sacramento della salvezza. Ma nella sua forma umana è un’istituzione in cui si trovano relazioni, processi e azioni dannosi. Questo vale per la Chiesa universale, una diocesi, o una comunità religiosa.

Come le comunità e i loro singoli membri possono vivere la loro missione con coerenza e garantire che le persone, nei rispettivi ruoli di responsabilità e stadi nella vita consacrata, siano sicure e non debbano temere né compiere abusi di qualsiasi tipo per vivere la propria missione?