Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey
Hulbert, Oklahoma, USA
Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey
Hulbert, Oklahoma, USA
Motherhouse : Fontgombault, 1999
Priory : 2000
Abbey : 9 February 2010
Congregation : Solesmes
Abbot : Fr. Philip Anderson
Number of monks : 65
Farm; ceramics; metal and woodwork; vineyard; small store Go to the Wikipedia page
Resident of the Collegio
Joseph Hudson
Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas
Angelicum Go to the university page
Clear Creek Abbey Construction 2022 – September Fly By
From the YouTube channel Clear Creek Abbey[…]
Welcome to New Residents!
On Sunday, 24 September, 26 new residents arrived at Collegio Sant’Anselmo from 14 countries. Our international character is at the heart of Sant’Anselmo and we believe that living, learning and praying with people from different cultures is one of our great strengths and joys. Story, statistics and photos here.
Oblate Congress Begins Week-long Session
On Sunday, 10 September, The Fifth International Oblate Congress, entitled, “Moving Forward: Living the Wisdom of The Rule”, began with an opening welcome by Abbot Primate Gregory Polan and a German Mass presided by former-Abbot Primate Notker Wolf. Story and photos here.
Leadership Course 2023 a Success
The Collegio was proud to host the Leadership and The Rule summer course again, in a successful venture that included 21 Benedictine, Cistercian, and Trappist monks and nuns. Watch the videos here.
Gregorian Chant meets Byzantine Music
The schola of Benedictine monks of Sant'Anselmo and the Byzantine choir "Psalterion" from Greece performed hymns of the Resurrection of the Lord and of the Divine Liturgy. Story, photos and video here.
Eshowe Diocese
South Africa
Eshowe Diocese
South Africa
Established : 27 August 1921 as prefecture of Zululandia and entrusted to the monks of S. Ottilien
As Diocese of Eshowe : 11 January 1951
Patron : Saint Benedict
Apostolic Administrator: Wilfrid Cardinal Napier
Cathedral : Saint Benedict
Inhabitants : 2,908,900
Baptized : 80,100
Parishes : 34
Diocesan priests : 41
Religious priests : 15
Religious men : 29
Religious women : 100 Go to the Wikipedia page
Resident of the Collegio
Emmanuel Kasibante
Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Pontifical Institute of Liturgy Go to the university page
Sacred Heart Sodality[…]
New coordinator of the Oblates and Friends of Sant’Anselmo
The new coordinator of the group is Oblate Emma Caroleo, married and mother of three children. Story here.
Kalay Diocese
Kale, Myanmar (Burma)
Kalay Diocese
Kale, Myanmar (Burma)
Erected : 22 May 2010
Bishop : Msgr. Felix Lian Khen Thang
Cathedral : Saint Mary’s
Inhabitants : 1,001,200
Baptized : 55,121 (5.5% of total)
Parishes : 26
Priests : 48 (43 secular and 5 regular)
Religious men : 5
Religious women : 252 Go to the Wikipedia page
Resident of the Collegio
David Lian
Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Pontifical Institute of Liturgy Go to the university page
From the YouTube channel ZOMI RC Go to the channel On[…]