
Westminster Abbey
Mission, British Columbia, Canada

Westminster Abbey
Mission, British Columbia, Canada


Motherhouse : Mount Angel
Founded : 14 September 1939
Conventual Priory : 1 June 1948
Abbey : 12 February 1953


Congregation : Swiss-American
Number of monks : 28


Minor and major seminary; guesthouse; art; carpentry; press; binding; tailoring; farm Go to the Wikipedia page
Resident of the Collegio
Leo Barker
Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Pontifical Institute of Liturgy Go to the university page
This Side of Eden: The Benedictine Monks of Mission, BC (2011) From the YouTube channel[…]

1 December 2023|Categories: Where do we come from?|

Sant’Anselmo celebrates the Feast of the Dedication of the Church

On the day of the Feast, the community celebrated by inviting Monsignor Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi, secretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, to preside at the Holy Mass.

28 November 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

Saint Ansgar Priory in Nütschau
Travenbrück, Germany

Saint Ansgar Priory in Nütschau
Travenbrück, Germany



Motherhouse : Gerleve in 1951
Conventual Priory : 16 October 1975


Congregation : Beuron
Prior : Fr. Johannes Tebbe
Number of monks : 20


Guesthouse; home for retreats and courses; youth ministry; icons; apple sauce Go to the Wikipedia page

Resident of the Collegio

Simon Griskiewitz

Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Faculty of Theology Go to the university page

Klosterküche Kloster Nütschau Paradies Benediktinermönche

From the YouTube channel Kirche im NDR Go to the channel On[…]

10 November 2023|Categories: Where do we come from?|

Monastery of Saint Benedict
El Rosal, Colombia

Monastery of Saint Benedict
El Rosal, Colombia



Motherhouse : San José, Caracas
Foundation : 16 January 1961
Priory : 12 October 1992


Congregation : Saint Ottilien
Prior : Br. Santiago Morales
Number of monks : 10


Pastoral services in the house and in parishes; reception; retreats; spiritual exercises; carpentry; iconography; bookbinding; store

Resident of the Collegio

Román Navarrete

Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo
Faculty of Philosophy Go to the university page

Presentación del Monasterio Benedictino de El Rosal, Colombia

From the YouTube channel Monjes Benedictinos El Rosal[…]

27 October 2023|Categories: Where do we come from?|
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