As is the custom of the Collegio Sant’Anselmo, we began to celebrate Mass in a foreign language, which we will do every month. On 28 October, the “German Social Group”, together with the “Jerusalem Group”, prepared the evening mass in German. Prof. P. Laurentius Eschlboeck OSB, of Schottenstift, Austria, was the principal celebrant and gave a homily on the apostolicity of the Church. The songs were also in German. After the liturgy, the whole community was invited to enjoy the dinner prepared by the same groups under the direction of chef D. Joel Schmidt OSB, Münsterschwarzach, Germany. The menu included: Broccoli-Cremesuppe mit Croûtons und Speckwürfel (Broccoli soup with croutons and bacon cubes), Zürcher Kalbsgeschnetzeltes mit Spätzle (Zurich-style veal stew with “Spätzle”), Linsengemüse (vegetarian lentils, vegetables), beer from Munich and Apfelstrudel mit Vanillesoße (apple “strudel” with vanilla sauce).