19 March 2024
Holy Week and Easter
Palm Sunday: 24 March
09.00 procession and Mass
7.15 pm solemn Vespers in the church
Holy Thursday: 28 March
20.00 Mass “In Coena Domini”
Reposition of the Holy Sacrament
Good Friday: 29 March
15.30 Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday: 30 March
16.00 confessions
17.30 Vespers
20.30 Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday: 31 March
11.30 Solemn Mass
15.30 Pontifical Vespers
Altre Notizie
On Sunday, 10 September, The Fifth International Oblate Congress, entitled, “Moving Forward: Living the Wisdom of The Rule”, began with an opening welcome by Abbot Primate Gregory Polan and a German Mass presided by former-Abbot Primate Notker Wolf. Story and photos here.
The Collegio was proud to host the Leadership and The Rule summer course again, in a successful venture that included 21 Benedictine, Cistercian, and Trappist monks and nuns. Watch the videos here.
The schola of Benedictine monks of Sant'Anselmo and the Byzantine choir "Psalterion" from Greece performed hymns of the Resurrection of the Lord and of the Divine Liturgy. Story, photos and video here.