19 March 2024

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday: 24 March
09.00 procession and Mass
7.15 pm solemn Vespers in the church

Holy Thursday: 28 March
20.00 Mass “In Coena Domini”
Reposition of the Holy Sacrament

Good Friday: 29 March
15.30 Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday: 30 March
16.00 confessions
17.30 Vespers
20.30 Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday: 31 March
11.30 Solemn Mass
15.30 Pontifical Vespers

Altre Notizie

  • On 20 January, the feast of Saint Sebastian, we celebrated Mass in Catalan, courtesy of the Iberian / Latin-American Language Group. Photos and info here.

  • The community of Collegio Sant'Anselmo was pleased to witness the conferral of the ministry of the acolyte on four priestly candidates. Photos and more info here.

  • On 1 January 2021, Prof. Philippe Rouillard OSB, monk and priest of the Abbey of Saint-Paul de Wisques, passed away. A full professor of sacramental Theology since 1988, he was also director of the Studia Anselmiana series. History and links here.