24 November 2023
Fr. Mauritius Wilde re-elected president of ARCER
Father Mauritius Wilde OSB, Prior of Collegio Sant’Anselmo, was re-elected president during the general assembly of the Association of Rectors of Ecclesiastical Colleges and Seminaries in Rome on 23 November 2023. There are about 130 colleges in Rome.
New board members also were elected during the ARCER meeting at the Pontificio Collegio Regina Apostolorum.
Altre Notizie
On the morning of 12 December 2022, three residents of Collegio Sant'Anselmo were installed as acolytes. Acolyte installation is a preparatory rite, or minor order, leading to the priesthood. Installed, in descending order of monastic profession, were Pietro Bui, OSB; Kokila Fernando OSB; and Raban Heyer, OSB. Story and photos here.
On 27 November, Collegio Sant'Anselmo hosted a group of contemplative sisters and nuns from the Rome and surrounding Lazio region to celebrate Pro Orantibus Day, or World Day of Cloistered Life. Story and photos here.
On the evening of 15 November, the community of Collegio Sant'Anselmo was treated to a presentation by our visiting Buddhists monks, Chaiyapat Boonpan and Panuwat Lerdprasertpun, of the Mungkomkamalavas Temple, a Mahayana Buddhist Monastery in Thailand. Story, photo and links here.