20 October 2022

On 14 October, Dr. Ziza Fernandes, singer, composer, professor and musical therapist with a Master in Psychology and Logotherapy, talked with Fr. Ruberval Monteiro, Sant’Anselmo artist and resident professor of Contemporary Sacred Art, in the third part of her series “Conversation between Artists : The Silence, Truth and Beauty”.

Dr. Fernandes is currently a student of the Pontifical College of Sant’Anselmo‘s Art for Christian Worship, a two-year upper-division course curated by Fr. Ruberval.

Fr. Ruberval is a monk of the Abbey of the Resurrection, Ponta Grossa, Paranà, Brazil, and a very talented artist. In his capacity as professor, he is a member of both the Faculty of Theology and the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy.

Altre Notizie

  • On the morning of 12 December 2022, three residents of Collegio Sant'Anselmo were installed as acolytes. Acolyte installation is a preparatory rite, or minor order, leading to the priesthood. Installed, in descending order of monastic profession, were Pietro Bui, OSB; Kokila Fernando OSB; and Raban Heyer, OSB. Story and photos here.

  • On 27 November, Collegio Sant'Anselmo hosted a group of contemplative sisters and nuns from the Rome and surrounding Lazio region to celebrate Pro Orantibus Day, or World Day of Cloistered Life. Story and photos here.

  • On the evening of 15 November, the community of Collegio Sant'Anselmo was treated to a presentation by our visiting Buddhists monks, Chaiyapat Boonpan and Panuwat Lerdprasertpun, of the Mungkomkamalavas Temple, a Mahayana Buddhist Monastery in Thailand. Story, photo and links here.