20 October 2022
On 14 October, Dr. Ziza Fernandes, singer, composer, professor and musical therapist with a Master in Psychology and Logotherapy, talked with Fr. Ruberval Monteiro, Sant’Anselmo artist and resident professor of Contemporary Sacred Art, in the third part of her series “Conversation between Artists : The Silence, Truth and Beauty”.
Dr. Fernandes is currently a student of the Pontifical College of Sant’Anselmo‘s Art for Christian Worship, a two-year upper-division course curated by Fr. Ruberval.
Fr. Ruberval is a monk of the Abbey of the Resurrection, Ponta Grossa, Paranà, Brazil, and a very talented artist. In his capacity as professor, he is a member of both the Faculty of Theology and the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy.
Altre Notizie
On Sunday, 10 September, The Fifth International Oblate Congress, entitled, “Moving Forward: Living the Wisdom of The Rule”, began with an opening welcome by Abbot Primate Gregory Polan and a German Mass presided by former-Abbot Primate Notker Wolf. Story and photos here.
The Collegio was proud to host the Leadership and The Rule summer course again, in a successful venture that included 21 Benedictine, Cistercian, and Trappist monks and nuns. Watch the videos here.
The schola of Benedictine monks of Sant'Anselmo and the Byzantine choir "Psalterion" from Greece performed hymns of the Resurrection of the Lord and of the Divine Liturgy. Story, photos and video here.