31 March 2022

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday: 10 April
09.00 procession and Mass
7.15 pm solemn Vespers in the church

Holy Thursday: 14 April
20.00 Mass “In Coena Domini”
Reposition of the Holy Sacrament

Good Friday: 15 April
15.30 Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday: 16 April
16.00 confessions
18.00 Vespers
20.30 Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday: 17 April
11.00 Solemn Mass
15.30 Pontifical Vespers

Altre Notizie

  • On Wednesday, 28 April 2021, the African Language Group produced "Messa Africana" as part of Collegio Sant'Anselmo's custom of celebrating Mass in different languages every month. Story, photos and video here.

  • The week of 19-23 April was a busy week for the rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo, Rev. Fr. Bernhard A. Eckerstorfer. On Monday, 19 April, the community celebrated the "octave" of his 50th birthday. Then on Wednesday, 21 April, the Solemnity of Sant'Anselmo, Fr. Bernhard celebrated the Solemn Mass, delivered the homily and hosted the festive lunch afterward. More information, links, photos and homily.

  • On the occasion of the Solemnity of Sant'Anselmo, the community of Sant'Anselmo was blessed with an article by Antonio Tarallo. We recommend this article, written in Italian on La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, to all of our readers, students and residents.