31 March 2022

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday: 10 April
09.00 procession and Mass
7.15 pm solemn Vespers in the church

Holy Thursday: 14 April
20.00 Mass “In Coena Domini”
Reposition of the Holy Sacrament

Good Friday: 15 April
15.30 Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

Holy Saturday: 16 April
16.00 confessions
18.00 Vespers
20.30 Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday: 17 April
11.00 Solemn Mass
15.30 Pontifical Vespers

Altre Notizie

  • Yesterday, 11 November, on the day of the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Sant'Anselmo, the academic and monastic community celebrated by inviting H.E. Rev. Mgr. Tamburrino, Benedictine monk of the Abbey of Praglia, to preside at the Holy Mass. Story and photos here.

  • Archbishop Paul Gallagher celebrated the Feast of All Saints' and residents visited deceased Benedictine confreres at the famous Campo Verano. A list of deceased brethren and photos here.

  • On Saturday 16 October 2021, former resident of the Sant’Anselmo College, Fr. Alessandro Trespioli OSB, celebrated his first Mass at his "alma mater". Story and photos here.