As we do every year, the new residents of Collegio Sant’Anselmo paid a visit to the Grotto of Saint Benedict in Subiaco, Italy. They were Macarius Chulle OSB and Cassian Shayo OSB (Tanzania), Luigi Corsello OSB (Italy), Kokila Fernando OSB (Sri Lanka), José-Luis Francisco OSB (Mexico), Santiago Garcia-Mata OSB (Argentina), Raban Heyer OSB and Israel Sanchez OSB (United States of America), Arsanius Jawargy OSB (Egypt), Immanuel Lupardi OSB (Germany), Columba McCann OSB (Ireland), Henri Poujol OSB (France), Christos Vattis (Greece), Nikodem Kowalczyk (Poland), Lucien Niyonzima (Burundi), and Benedict Ehrenwirt (Germany), together with the Ateneo Registrar Fr. Josep Maria Sanromà OSB and Prior Mauritius Wilde OSB. Not pictured: Eric Koffi (Costa D’Avario), Felix Davordzi (Ghana), Peter Mapenga (Zambia), Jake Kutina and Austin O’Keefe (United States of America).

Altre Notizie

  • Fr. Daniel McCarthy OSB, a Collegio resident and Liturgy professor at Sant'Anselmo Ateneo's Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, was interviewed by EWTN on 13 November.

  • On 14 October, Dr. Ziza Fernandes, singer, composer, professor and musical therapist with a Master in Psychology and Logotherapy, talked with Fr. Ruberval Monteiro, Sant'Anselmo artist and resident professor of Contemporary Sacred Art, in the third part of her series "Conversation between Artists : The Silence, Truth and Beauty". Story and video here.

  • Early in October, two newly-ordained residents celebrated their first Masses at Sant'Anselmo. Fathers Gregorio Carrizal, of Christ in the Desert, and John George, of the Abbey of Saint Gregory the Great, Downside, continued the Catholic tradition of blessing those in attendance. Photos of the Masses can be found on our Flickr account, here.