On Wednesday, 28 April 2021, the African Language Group produced “Messa Africana” as part of Collegio Sant’Anselmo’s custom of celebrating Mass in different languages every month. The Masses and subsequent festive suppers serve as a multicultural exposures to the home countries of our international residents.

The Mass was conducted in the Igbo language of Nigeria, with the Kyrie in the Wolof of Senegal; the Sanctus in the Creole of Senegal; the Our Father in the Malinke of Guinea; the Agnus Dei in the Swahili of Kenya and Tanzania; and the recessional hymn in English and a mixture of Igbo, Yoruba, and Hausa.

It was a lively and joyful Mass celebration, presided over by Augustine Uzodigwe, a priest of the Diocese of Awka in Nigeria. The choir and instrumentalists were conducted by Kingsley Nze, a priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri in Nigeria.

Video used with permission of Fr. Ruberval Monteiro

Altre Notizie

  • The Benedictine Commission on China brings together representatives from Benedictine monasteries throughout the world to exchange information about the work of their communities related to China and to discuss cooperation on projects for China. This year the meeting was held the morning of 5 March 2022.

  • On the afternoon of 19 November 2021, a group of students and administrators from Collegio Sant’Anselmo took a trip to the monastery of Praglia to celebrate the priestly ordination of their fellow resident, Alfio Catalano. Story and photos here.

  • Father Mauritius Wilde OSB, rector of Sant'Anselmo College, was elected president of the Association of Rectors of Ecclesiastical Colleges of Rome (ARCER), during the general assembly of 24 November 2021.