At Collegio Sant’Anselmo we have the joyful and instructive custom of celebrating Mass in a foreign language once a month. The Masses and subsequent festive suppers are organised by our Language Groups and serve as a multicultural exposure to their home countries.
On 20 January, the feast of Saint Sebastian, we celebrated Mass in Catalan, courtesy of the Iberian / Latin-American Language Group. The Mass itself was celebrated in Catalan, but Spanish and Portugese were included in the chants, readings and intentions. The Mass was presided over by the president of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, Jordi-Agustí Piqué, of the Abbey of Santa Maria de Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain.
After Mass, the community celebrated a festive meal with the traditional Catalan tapas Pa amb tomaquet i pernil, (tomato and ham bruschetta); Espinacs a la Catalana, (Catalanian spinach); Seques amb butifarra, (beans and sausages); and a dessert of Crema Catalana, (Catalan cream). Afterward, each Language Group gathered and socialised in various meeting rooms throughout the Collegio.
Altre Notizie
As we do every year, the new residents of Collegio Sant'Anselmo paid a visit to the Grotto of Saint Benedict in Subiaco, Italy.
From 6-11 September, the Synod of Abbots President met at Sant’Anselmo in Rome. The synod examined various issues impacting the Church and the Benedictine Confederation and the annual reports on the principal activities and events of Sant'Anselmo. Story and photos here, at the web site OSB DOT ORG.
Each year, the officials of Collegio Sant'Anselmo take their annual "gita", or outing, to a place of interest near Rome. This year, on 25 June, Prior Mauritius Wilde chose the Exarchic Greek Monastery of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata. Story and photos here.