On 1 January 2021, Prof. Philippe Rouillard OSB (1926-2021), monk and priest of the Abbey of Saint-Paul de Wisques, passed away.

Professor Rouillard received a doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant’Anselmo in 1958 and from 1972 to 2002 he was professor at the Faculty of Theology.

A full professor of Sacramental Theology since 1988, he was also Director of the Studia Anselmiana series.

We pray for the deceased and for his community.

Altre Notizie

  • On the morning of 12 December 2022, three residents of Collegio Sant'Anselmo were installed as acolytes. Acolyte installation is a preparatory rite, or minor order, leading to the priesthood. Installed, in descending order of monastic profession, were Pietro Bui, OSB; Kokila Fernando OSB; and Raban Heyer, OSB. Story and photos here.

  • On 27 November, Collegio Sant'Anselmo hosted a group of contemplative sisters and nuns from the Rome and surrounding Lazio region to celebrate Pro Orantibus Day, or World Day of Cloistered Life. Story and photos here.

  • On the evening of 15 November, the community of Collegio Sant'Anselmo was treated to a presentation by our visiting Buddhists monks, Chaiyapat Boonpan and Panuwat Lerdprasertpun, of the Mungkomkamalavas Temple, a Mahayana Buddhist Monastery in Thailand. Story, photo and links here.