LRB : Thanks to our sponsors
The LRB program was initiated by Fr. Markus Muff OSB and established under the sponsorship of the then Abbot Primate Notker Wolf OSB in cooperation with professors of the University Sant Gall under the leadership of Prof. Günter Müller-Stewens.
Without the generous support of Foundation Benedict Luzern, the highly-qualified LRB courses for Benedictines worldwide would not be possible.
Foundation Benedict is an institution founded in 2007 by Abbot Notker Wolf and Fr. Markus Muff. Foundation Benedict aims to support common duties of the Benedictine Monasteries. In particular, it supports the work of the international Benedictine University of Sant’Anselmo in Rome. Web :
Mr. Alois Jurt (+2017), whose Alois and Jeanne Jurt Foundation supported the LRB course from the very beginning, was another vital “foundation-stone” for this course. The mission of the Jurt Foundation ( is to promote public welfare through donations to persons and institutions close to the Roman Catholic Church, who make a special contribution to the promotion of the religious and cultural education of the youth and of the people.

Abtei Münsterschwarzach web site :
The 169 Benedictine women and men who have been allowed to participate in the six LRB courses, those who will profit from them in the future, as well as all the dedicated people who organize or lead the courses, say to them and to all the donors a sincere THANK YOU and GOD REWARD YOU.
May the Benedictine life in the monasteries be strengthened through your commitment, so that it may benefit both the Church and communities all around the globe.