Practical information


To help you pack appropriately, the weather in September in Rome is usually warm. It can rain. Linens and towels are provided in all accommodations.

Registering your arrival

If you will be staying at Sant’Anselmo, please come to Sant’Anselmo, register your arrival and collect your room key, welcome pack and badge. The porter’s office is open from 08:00 until 19:15. If you arrive before or after these hours, please contact our Guestmaster: .

If you are staying in any of the other religious houses or hotels, please first go there for check-in, and then come to Sant’Anselmo to register.

When you arrive at Sant’Anselmo, follow the signs to the porter’s office at the entrance of the cloister. Here you can collect your welcome pack and badge.

Getting to Sant’Anselmo from Fiumicino Airport

Sant’Anselmo’s address is:

Badia Primaziale Sant’Anselmo
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
00153 Roma

Option 1: Train

From your terminal of arrival, follow signs to the airport train station. Buy a ticket for Roma Ostiense. The ticket will cost 8 euros. Tickets can be purchased from the ticket machines in the airport station. Please do not take the Leonardo Express as this is a direct train to Roma Termini, which is in a different part of the city from Sant’Anselmo.

Exit the Roma Ostiense Station at the Piazzale dei Partigiani exit. If you will be staying at:

  • Sant’Anselmo, walk up the hill to Sant’Anselmo (approximately a 15-minute walk) or take an official white taxi to Sant’Anselmo, which costs no more than 10 Euros.
  • Collegio San Norberto (Viale Giotto, 27), you can walk (approximately a 15-minute walk) or take an official white taxi.
  • Monastero di San Gregorio al Celio (Piazza di San Gregorio al Celio, 1), you can walk (approximately a 30-minute walk), or take the Metro B at Piramide and get off at Circo Massimo (it is just one stop) and then walk for 5 minutes, or take an official white taxi.
  • Suore Povere Bonaerensi (Via dei Fienili, 45), you can take Bus No. 30 and get off at Via Petroselli (third stop), or take an official white taxi.
  • Pontificio Seminario Francese (Via di S. Chiara, 42), you can take Bus No. 30 and get off at Largo di Torre Argentina (sixth stop), or take an official white taxi.

You can pay for your metro and bus tickets with a contactless debit/credit card directly at the metro barrier or on board the bus. Alternatively, metro and bus tickets can be bought with cash at self-service machines in the metro stations or in advance at newsstands and tobacco shops.

If you are staying in one of the hotels we have suggested, they are all in the area of Sant’Anselmo, therefore follow the same directions as if you were going to Sant’Anselmo.

Option 2: Taxi

Leave the airport and join the taxi line for an official white taxi. These have a fixed rate of 50 euros from Fiumicino airport (they may raise it to 55 euros in the coming months), and 31 euros from Ciampino airport (maybe 40 euros in the coming months) to go to the center of town, where Sant’Anselmo, the religious houses and hotels are located. It is a flat fee. Do not let them run the meter.

Whichever option you choose, please do not be tempted to accept a taxi from the sellers inside the airport on the way to the train station or the taxi line. These are not official taxi providers and will charge a small fortune.

Spending Money

Both train tickets and taxis can be paid by debit/credit card. Make sure to ask when you get in the taxis. Most vendors will also take these payment methods. However, please check with your card provider that any charges for international expenditures are nonexistent or acceptable. It is important to remember that the Sant’Anselmo cashier’s office does not do currency exchange transactions.

Technical matters

In order to access the services during the Congress, it is sufficient to have a smartphone, but of course you can use a laptop or a tablet. There is Wi-Fi throughout the entire abbey. Please remember to bring a power adapter for Italy. Universal adapters with multiple plugs are easily found on the market.


We will create a booklet with photos of all participants to distribute to the participants. For those who have not yet done it, we ask that you send a photo of yourself via email to the Prior’s Office: . You will find this booklet to be very helpful during the Congress. We have more than 60 new abbots since our last Congress eight years ago.

If you need assistance or further information before leaving for Rome

Please contact the Curia of the Abbot Primate: or the Guestmaster: .

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to Sant’Anselmo.

Sant’Anselmo Staff