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Lodging at Sant’Anselmo
The Congress will be held at Collegio Sant’Anselmo. You are welcome to stay here, but unfortunately, we don’t have room for everyone. We have 110 rooms, with mostly common bathrooms. Only a few have private bathrooms. Abbots President and superiors of residents have priority. Otherwise, first come, first served.
Lodging in Religious Houses
Below is information about the available religious houses. On the Registration Form, indicate, in ranked-choice order, the religious houses in which you would like to stay. Sant’Anselmo’s guestmaster will reserve your room and contact you for confirmation.
Private lodging
You are advised to make your reservations early as Rome is very popular with tourists in September. Below is hotel information for those not far from Sant’Anselmo. You must complete your own booking via web site, direct email or telephone. In some cases, you must indicate the reservation code or tell them it is for the Congress of Abbots to receive the reduced price. You will make your own payment, probably on-line with a credit/debit card. All rooms have private bathrooms unless indicated otherwise.